Hall of Fame

Mobile First Website + Unique layouts + Special Integrations

More than a museum

Development and production for The College of Football Hall of Fame first website ever.

Custom templates for sections and unique styles for each one.
Design delivered by brand.

Partner: Techtivo

Unique wordpress plugins with service integrations and other third party platforms, like data interactive content of online apps and interactive modules inside the museum for visitors.

People can use any device to surf this site.

UIKIT Framework

Why we love it →

  • We love WordPress and what it can do

  • WordPress real-time integrations

    Creation of plugins with real-time integrations for the museum interactive modules, which delivered material to its visitors to download via email after playing with them.
  • Big data surfing

    Development of the Hall of Fame with the best of the best college football’s players and coaches. Custom integration with museum big archive DB.